Click on the Primary School assemblies below to find out more.....
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what is a leader
who can be a leader
what a leader does


This assembly looks at -

  • What is leader?

  • Where can we be leaders?

  • Who can be a leader and what does it take?

  • The aspects of being a leader - for each there is a story or example from ‘real-life’ to show the children what people can achieve and what leadership, in it’s different forms, looks like.


From this pack -

Primary Pack 2 Download

Increasingly children in Primary Schools are encouraged to take on a wide variety of leadership roles. This assembly shows what skills and attitudes make a good leader.  Leadership is not about public speaking and displays of confidence, pupils are taking ownership of their own learning, as well as leading outside the classroom, all without having to stand up in front of others and speak. In the classroom they can make a difference by helping to develop rules and codes of conduct, develop their own ideas and share opinions in a wide range of subjects not just PSHE and Citizenship

The school council and participation in decision making in wider school is something that has been in existence for a long time in schools, but increasingly young students are representing the school in the wider community as ambassadors for the school. In this assembly the children can see the increasing opportunities for them to play a role in decisions that affect them and the school community by becoming active citizens. In some schools they have been involved in recruiting staff, buddying other pupils, mentoring, or coaching in sport as well as working on Anti Bullying projects, being play or sports leaders and running mediation programs. There are often projects in that they can participate in both in school and the community working with other agencies. This assembly can help launch any new schemes or ideas in school.