Click on the Primary School assemblies below to find out more.....
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give it to get it
respect property


This assembly looks at -

  • What does respect mean?

  • How does it feel when we aren’t shown respect?

  • Why do we need to show respect?

  • Who and what do we show respect to and what does it look like when we do?

Respect (Primary)

From this pack -

Primary Pack 2 Download

Respect in Primary School
For young children the word respect may be new to them even if the idea is not. The aim of this assembly is to bring everyone together in understanding exactly what respect looks like in school and what rights and responsibilities we all have. Respect is a two way ‘street’ and not just something that people do as a sign of deference to someone more powerful than them. This assembly uses the examples of boxers and martial artists touching gloves or bowing before a fight as a way introducing this idea. It goes on to explain that we can treat each other, the school. things as well as ideas and beliefs with respect, even if they are not the same as ours. The assembly shows how children can show and earn respect in communities and in turn how this makes the world a better place. Everyone is unique and we need to accept each other’s differences for communities to work well. The assembly ends by looking at the age old ‘Golden Rule’ to help students to keep respect in mind, ‘Treat others the way that you would like to be treated’.